Open Air Gallery Zuiderhagen
Another retrospective.
Open Air Gallery Zuiderhagen
My art in public space.
Nov. 10 we, Dennis and I, headed to Almelo station to take the train towards Enschede. We were on our way to unveil my large works hanging in the Zuiderhagen in Enschede and to propose a toast.
Suddenly Dennis shouts : Floortje, the elevator to the platform is broken. I thought: there it is, I’m on the mobility scooter.
Dennis got, quite immediately the inspiration: quick, we’ll go to Almelo de Riet station and get on the train there. It began to rain. Fortunately, the train station was close by
In a wonderfully heated BlueNet train we arrived in Enschede and found Rein Kroes already waiting for us. He is the organizer of the event the “open air gallery,” which has been brightening the KPN building since 2016 with large blown-up works by artists using the medium of photography. He was waiting by himself across from Broekhuis bookstore. By now we had already seen the largest portrait, “girl behind the window.
The three of us walked into Zuiderhagen and marveled and admired the beautiful and good result. This is what I have been aiming for from the beginning that I have been doing digital collages, working in large format. We discussed how good the sharpness is, took some quick snapshots and overheard some comments from passing and biking public.
After this judging and enjoyment, we headed towards Café The Bulwark and made a rich toast to my work and the good and quick cooperation. It was giant fun.
I will say: everyone to Enschede to see the beauty and great art of mine in public spaces.
The location is easily within walking distance from the train station. My work hangs there until the end of May 2024. And when you get there lots of viewing pleasure.