Welcome to my website

Hi, I’m Floortje,

With this website I show you my digital photo collages. Some time ago, I discovered this medium on Instagram. I became enthusiastic about this method and mastered the technique through self-study using English-language YouTube videos of the Photoshop program.

Through trial and error, I developed in this fascinating world.

I enjoy sharing my work with you. On the website you will see the results of digital cutting and pasting, visible to marvel and admire.

I also list where and when I organize and participate in exhibitions.

Due to lack of oxygen, I have a physical disability that makes me operate the computer with 1 hand. The

does not prevent me from following the path I want to take, exploring boundaries and pushing limits.

Since 2 years I have been alerted by a colleague, Rob Koenders, to start exhibiting. At first I didn’t want to because I thought, People won’t like it anyway. And I was afraid it wouldn’t be good enough. finally did and exhibited in his studio October 2021.

After that, it went like an express train,

In 2023, I exhibited 7 times, including the Pop-up Awareness in May and June with Dennis Zanoni. This was organized by ourselves, an important part was the children’s scratch project to special education students.

We had planned for 4 projects that year, to my surprise it turned into 7 and another auction for a good in Uganda.

Meanwhile, I continue to create new digital photo collages.


My work

Floortje van Loon

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